Monday, July 28, 2008

X-Files : I Want To Believe


Todd Says:


I wanted to believe, I really really did. The thing is, it just wasn't that good. Understand, that I am a true, hard-core X-Files fan. I watched from Season One until after the first movie when T-2 took over. I wanted this movie to be the best X-File ever, but the case in this movie isn't even an X-File, I mean where did all the paranormal go? And Scully and Mulder aren't even FBI agents anymore.

This would have made a perfectly good crime-drama, but not an X-File. The movie isn't BAD I guess, and people who don't expect much from the X-Files brand may be perfectly happy with what they get here, I however am not one of those people. I felt let dissappointed. I want to believe that they could have done better, I believe that they should just stop and let Mulder rest.

Alexis says:


Let's start with what I did like. The actors did a fine job and the story wasn't half bad. But what I kept thinking throughout this movie was 'Is this really the best they could come up with?' As a crime drama involving the FBI this movie would have been alright. But wanting to see Mulder and Scully work on an X-File even without the little green people this movie just come up short in my opinion. I have seen much better stories in the first few seasons of the X-Files that also didn't neccessarily elude to alien life forms, just the unexplained. I felt that this movie leaned more on the religion side than I would have preferred for an X-Files film.

I wonder sometimes why certain films are even made. If this is the best that Chris Carter could have come up with why not just let the series remain dormant. Duchovny has Californication to tape and I am sure that Anderson has something better she could be doing other than a pitiful attempt at resurrecting a once incredibly acted and written television series.

Unfortunately, some television series are just not cut out for the big screen. I felt the same way in 2006 with the release of Serenity, the film that evolved from Joss Whedon's cancelled prematurely series Firefly. Even though fans miss there favorite television shows and characters bringing them to the cinema is not neccessarily the answer. I never really liked the first X-Files movie but compared to this I think it was better.

Here's to hoping that Mulder and Scully stay retired from the FBI. I think it's best for all of us and if nothing else good comes from the movie at least I have drawn that conclusion.

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