Monday, July 7, 2008

Be Kind Rewind


Todd Says:


This is a good original comedy, about movies. The story is so good that Jack Black can't even ruin it for me. I'm usually not a fan of his, but in a good movie (where he is not the center of everything) he can do alright.

This movie is a solid comedy that almost anyone should enjoy. It's also a story about holding on to your dreams, that Mos Def does all the work in making it believable. It's rare to find a comedy these days that isn't so formulaic that you know what every joke is going to be after the first one is delivered.

So find some time to sit back and enjoy this one, it'll have you laughing at movies you haven't seen in a long time.

Alexis says:


This movie is original, funny and even sad. It mix unbelievable, almost science fiction with sad and true life in the downtowns of old cities. This movie was laugh out loud silly and very depressing at times. Overall, it was pretty good.

My biggest problem with this movie was that the beginning didn't seem to mesh well with the end in my opinion. I feel like it changed direction at some point and at times you just had to tell yourself to just accept where it was going without any kind of explanation really. I did this and enjoyed the movie but I felt like there was just something missing or that this was a mesh between two original yet very different ideas. Had the missing piece been present I would have liked this movie a little more.

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