Saturday, August 9, 2008



Alexis says:


Are you ready for a surprise (but not a spoiler)! I had no idea what to expect from this movie and it was actually pretty good. I think this film came out around the same time as The Golden Compass and I must say that now having seen both of them this is a far superior film.

Most of the acting is quite good, with the possible exception of Pheifer, is it just me or is she actually getting worse? De Niro gives a surprising performance as a completely unexpected character and newcomer Charlie Cox plays a decent romantic hero as Tristan.

Witches, cross-dressing pirates, dead princes, celestial beings, what more could a beautiful written sci-fi truly need? If you love a good fairy tale, this film is for you.

Todd Says:


I remember that this movie hit the theaters at about the same time as The Golden Compass did, and that it was overshadowed by the enormous hype of the latter. That was unfortunate, because I think the Stardust was a much better movie.

It seems, at first, like fairly standard fairy-tale fare, but as the story unfolded I really found myself enjoying it. It was fun to watch. It was quick-paced and witty, with a few unexpected turns. All in all, it was a little predictable but a lot of fun. I recommend this one to anyone who likes an adventure.

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