Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Golden Compass

Todd Says:


Unfortunately this was one of those movies that I was hoping to be entertained with. I saw the trailers, I heard the hype, I even listened to the controversy. What did that get me? I just ended up bored and let down.

The story seemed too rushed to me. I have come to expect more story from these 'epic' fantasy sagas. The Golden Compass is based on the first book in a trilogy, I've heard that they're talking about making movies from the other two books, and I can't figure out why they don't try to develop their stories better. The books may be good, I don't know because I haven't read them, but the movie just flows like a jumble of action scenes sloppily edited together.

I found it hard to connect with any of the characters, who are thrown at you so fast and with so little explantion that by the time you figure out who is on whose side the credits are rolling. It was visually spectacular, I will admit that, but can good effects a good movie make, not alone.

I think I may read the book and see if any of it makes more sense. You must understand that I am a detail junkie. In the end I can not recommend this film very highly. If you wait a few months it will be on cable, and your in-laws will be over, and that would be a good time to watch it.

Alexis Says:


I was not at all impressed by this movie. I found some of the concepts to be cool in theory but the movie itself just did not work for me. I found the ending to be rushed (and really the whole fiml) and the movie leaned to heavily on a sequal explaining all that was left out of the film. The special effects were rather good though as well as Dakota Blue Richards performance.

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