Alexis says:
This movie is just as bad as I heard that it was. Let me restate that. It didn't do well at the box office and that to me says that not many people went home and told their friends to go and see it and now that I have seen it I am not going to tell my friends to go and see it and do you know why that is, because it is bad.
Eric Bana, Drew Barrymore and Robert Duvall are all capable actors and actresses, I know it, I have seen them pull it off (or at least come really, really close to pulling it off) but this film is so badly written, the dialogue is atrocious, and the characters pathetic that I am just baffled that any of them even allowed their names to be tied to it.
Next to the boring, let down of a plot is the seemingly endless scenes of poker play. If I want to see poker I will watch Spike TV (OK, I won't really but you get the point don't you?) where I know that at least these people are really gambling for real money. There seemed to be entire segments devoted to rounds of poker and this was just really boring to me especially on top of the really boring storyline.
If annoying dialogue and poker are your thing than this movie is for you, if not, I wouldn't recommend it.
Todd Says:
Lucky You, that is if you haven't seen Lucky You yet. This movie is like watching the World Series of Poker on ESPN 8 (the Ocho!) and flipping back and forth during commercial breaks to Soap Opera: The Young and the Unfortunately Inarticulate.
Let me save a little time and get straight to the point, unless you like Poker (I mean really really like Poker) then this movie is probably not going to interest you. It's some sort of Hybrid Chick/Dude Flick, and it didn't really work for me. Take my word for it.