Todd Says:
1/2 STAR
This movie is terrible. Rex Reed says: "A cool, slick, sexy, steamy, clever, fascinating caper movie!" Cool? No, not really, and I like 'caper movies' generally. Was it slick? Whoever talked MGM into financing this thing was slick. Sexy? Maybe, Rene Russo does run around naked or half-naked for half of the movie, not that that makes it worth watching. Steamy? Not so much, the love scenes were too unbelievable. I mean the two 'love interests' seemed to hate each other until they took their clothes off. Clever? The plot may have been clever, sometime before shooting started, but the cheesy dialoge tends to ruin any cleverness left over in the actual idea. And finally, was it fascinating? Well, I'm still fascinated that I sat through the whole thing.
Take my advice on this one, DON'T BOTHER.
Alexis says:
When we watch a movie we should review it right away, the reason being is that if we watch something we don't particularly care for but then watch the Thomas Crown Affair the next night, well that first movie ends up looking pretty Oscar worthy.
The Thomas Crown Affair is actually a remake of a 1968 film by the same title starring Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway (which most definitely explains her cameo in this film), I haven't seen the original so I don't know if this newer version does anything new for the film but I would have to imagine that it doesn't. The film doesn't have a terrible plot, perhaps just bad writers and not so terrific actors. I have seen Rene Russo in other films, she isn't usually this nauseating but I would have to say that hands down she ruins this film. Everything about her character made me want to gag and at points I felt like I just wanted to hit stop on the DVD player which is a very rare feeling for me.
So what does this film have? Nudity and more nudity, poor unengaging dialougues and art lovers who like to defame art for the fun of it. Oh, and Dennis Leary who far and away had to be the best thing about this film. So for Leary what do you think, .20 stars? .25?
Oh, what the heck have another half a star. But seriously folks, unless you just want to see Russo walk around topless and whining, I would skip it altogether.
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