Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Made Of Honor

Monday, July 6, 2009
Eagle Eye

Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Reader

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Gran Torino

Ghost Town

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Cool Hand Luke

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009
I Could Never Be Your Woman

Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Way of War

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
O Brother Where Are Thou?

This movie is so much fun to watch. The Coen Brothers give us the tale of the Odyssey in the form of three escaped convicts traveling through the South during the Depression. Ulysses, Pete, and Delmar are on a quest to retrieve a hidden treasure. Along the symbolism lined path they encounter one obstacle after another, beginning with a family betrayal and ending with the Devil himself. George Clooney is his usual clever self and the rest of the cast is perfect as well.
If you've never seen this I recommend you buy (not rent) it today. You won't regret it.
Todd Says:
This is definitely a film that I have to classify as a modern classic. This movie is so good that I doubt we even need to review because everyone should have already seen it. But since we're here, I think that this might just be the best that the Coen Brothers have ever done. Unless you don't like your comedies to be witty and clever then you can't go wrong.
This is definitely a laugh out loud comedy. I highly recommend this film.

Monday, June 15, 2009
Southland Tales

2.75 Stars
Ok, I have to start off by saying that I'm not always right. I know that may come as a shock, but yours truly sometimes convinces his wife that they will absolutely love a movie based on some very loose criteria.
Case in point: Southland Tales
As the long-overdue second movie from Richard Kelly (you know, the guy whose first movie was a little flick called Donnie Darko) this movie had a lot of expectations from fans and critics alike. Featuring one of those I-recognize-everyone casts including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Stifler, Buffy, Justin Timberlake, The Highlander, Vizzini from The Princess Bride, Tangina from Poltergeist, Dan from Night Court, and more Saturday Night Live alumni than a Wayne's World movie, the film fails to find any sort of identity as the plot is about as confusing as anything I have ever seen.
Set primarily in the not-so-distant future of southern California in July 2008, Kelly uses the setting of a politically charged society in an election year as the backdrop to weave together this "ensemble" film. What Kelly does do well and carries over from Donnie Darko is his use of certain camera angles, slow-motion, and great music to really create a rather unique audio/visual experience.
I could not even begin to explain any more about this movie without going into a lot of confusing detail, so my endorsement is as follows: If you enjoyed Donnie Darko and were able to get past certain elements that never really made any sense, then you may appreciate and enjoy Southland Tales. At 2 1/2 hours long, it's a lot to digest in the style it's presented in, but I did find myself wanting to watch it again soon to see if things made more sense the second time around. So for now, I'm sticking with the 2.75 stars.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Zack and Miri Make a Porno

The Ice Pirates

Friday, June 5, 2009
Star Trek


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I’m not a comic book fan, so I don’t know the “real” story of how Ironman came to be, but this worked for me. It was exciting and funny and over the top.
In short the whole family loved it. If you like action movies or comic book movies or Robert Downey Jr, movies, go, run like the wind. What are you waiting for?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Maltese Falcon

Gone Baby Gone

Todd Says:
Gone Baby Gone is one of those gritty realistic crime dramas that leaves you feeling unsure at the end. It is brutally honest in it's portrayal of real people doing real-life things. The picture painted isn't a pretty one, but I think that that makes it even more poignant.
I highly recommend this movie. Especially if you like dark crime dramas.
Alexis says:
4.75 STARS, OK what the heck, 5 STARS
So it's been a little while but I have finally seen a movie that is worthy of the little time it takes to write a review. Gone Baby Gone has been on my 'to view' list for sometime now but the cost never came down on the DVD at Target, then earlier this week a friend of mine sent us two weeks of Netflix for free and this was the first movie we watched streamed instantly to our television by way of the XBox 360.
I want to begin by saying that I think Casey Affleck is a very talented actor who doesn't get enough roles. He is good in about anything he does, with this film being no exception, but he was far and away the best thing about The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, if you haven't seen that film, I highly recommend it on Affleck's performance alone.
This film being Ben Affleck's first directing of a full length motion picture (apparently there was some short back in 1993, but I'm not sure if that 16 minute film counts) I was intrigued. I liked Ben Affleck (and his brother and just about everything else) in Good Will Hunting, but I don't think he is that great of an actor, but this film, in which he also co-wrote, seemed to get a lot of good press upon it's release.
And after viewing it, I am not surprised. The film feels so real, the shots of the streets of Boston, the people in the film were rough and truly represented the harsh real lives they'd led. Even Harris and Freeman were, if anything, made to look less attractive, less healthy, less lively, than their normal roles. Affleck, who is a private investigator, is hired by the family of a missing 4 year old child and what unfolds in the next 2 hours is weaved so tightly that I didn't want to leave my seat worried I would miss the next turn. Affleck's character as well as other's in the film, are shown to you in subtleties that keep the viewer on their feet to truly understand the moral dilemma facing each of them.
This movie was surprising in just how much I enjoyed it, how I cheered for the protagonist to do the right thing and yet felt his pain in making a difficult 'right' choice. This film is the best film I have seen in a long time for many reasons but the thing I found most pleasing about it was the honesty in the characters, the setting and the storyline. This is a definite must see.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Todd Says:
This is a movie about a group of the world's most elite assassins who recruit this guy, just because his father was one of them, because they need him to kill a rouge member. If you can overcome the unneccissarily unrealistic action scenes and the hollow not-well-thought-out plot, then this is a fine movie. James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman are actually pretty good actors, they just didn't have a lot to work with here.
If you are just looking for some mindless entertainment, then this is the fast-paced shooting bullets in circles, kill-em-all movie for you. Enjoy.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Invasion
Stalking Santa

Quantum of Solace

Quantum of Solace picks up where Casino Royale left off, with James still stinging from the loss of Vespa . Once again James Bond seems to have traded unrealistic gadgets for unrealistic action sequences. It makes sense, if you keep in mind that we are returning to the beginning of his career. James hasn’t had time yet to become the controlled and suave agent we are used to. If you don’t mind that, this is a great movie.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Mama Mia!

Todd Says:
Unless you're a big fan of ABBA, bad singing, worse choreography, and stupid plot, then this is not the movie for you.
This movie is obviously the Hollywood version of the Hit Broadway play, but if the play is anything like the movie then it's a mystery to me how it ever became a hit. I don't mind musicals, I don't love them, but I don't mind them. (See Sweeny Todd review) But this movie really didn't have any redeeming points, at least that I could find.
The story is weakly constructed around ABBA songs that are just as bad today as they were 30 years ago, even if Pierce Brosnan is singing them shirtless. Mama Mia is almost as bad as Sex In The City.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sex In The City

Todd Says:
This may be the worst movie that I have ever seen. If I could, I would like to give it a negative rating. I watched this movie because my wife wanted to, I expected it to be bad (or at least not good), but it was way worse than just bad. This movie insults your intelligence with it's blatant disregard for decency.
All of the main characters in the film are disgustingly self-absorbed egotistical snobs whose only interests seem to be designer clothes (which were hideous) and sex. I know that the movie is called Sex In The City, but I expected a Chick-Flick and it was more like porn. There was more graphic sex scenes in this movie than there was intelligent dialog. I guarantee that they pushed the limits of the R rating on this one.
The Plot, and I'm being generous calling it that, was about as shallow and pointless as any I've seen, and I've seen a lot of bad movies. It's uncommon for me to hate a movie, but this is one of those rare exceptions. I don't see what anyone (other than maybe some 13 year old boys) could find interesting about this movie.
Monday, October 20, 2008

Alexis says:
3 STARSGhostbusters isn't scary (unless you're 10 or younger) but it is a funny movie to be enjoyed this holiday season with the whole family. It is funny, action packed and a little frightening (Weaver's make-up, I had to hide my face).
You should definitely add this to your must see Halloween List.
Todd Says:
Ghostbusters is a classic. It's one of those refreshing comedies that comes out every so often that isn't just a variation on a theme. The acting, direction, and writing are all great, the one thing that did not survive the trip from the eighties so well is the special effects, but even they aren't horrible. And at the time they were awesome, I remember I was like 10 or something and those ghosts were pretty scary stuff.
This is a great movie to watch for Halloween if you have kids, it'll be scarier to them than to you, but you can all enjoy it together. I definitely recommend this movie.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saw II

Alexis says:
So remember I said I finally saw Saw after all these years? Well, I liked it so much that we immediately viewed Saw II (picked up after Thanksgiving for $3 last year). And what can I say but ...yuck?
Really I can say a lot more than that. It is so obvious that Saw did so well and made so much money that now they are just going to keep spitting them out until no one goes to see them and people will still probably go and see them because most people like horror movies no matter how bad they suck, the more blood the better. But I thought this movie was everything I dislike about the genre, overly gorey, too much blood and unnecessary violence, lacking plot and bad acting. Where as the first film had an intriguing thought out plot this movie was obviously made with little or no worry for a storyline. The box says "Yes, there will be blood." And there is, a lot of it. Too much to keep me interested in seeing any more Saw movies.
And I don't want to spoil the film for you but I feel that they took a good plot and ruined it with this film. I would recommend that they stop hurting the first film but I am a little too late as they are already up to the fifth installment. I don't recommend this film to anyone. I would, I suppose recommend it to people who like lots of blood and annoying, unintelligent characters that you almost cheer on their imminent demise.
Todd Says (reluctantly):
Saw II is alot like Friday the 13th 2 where they take a good scary story with a believable villain, and do their best to recycle it. The thing is, it works at the box-office. People would still be lining up to see Jason killing campers in interesting and provocative ways if they hadn't run out of ideas and sent him to space and then to hell. The secret to selling tickets to these movies is blood, the more the better. I've actually got this idea for a movie where I'm just going to set up a camera in a slaughter house, edit it for 90 minutes of the best blood spurting-dismemberment I can catch on film, and get someone with a deep creepy voice to narrate a story over it. What do you think?
But really, this movie wasn't very good. I mean lets face it (SPOILER ALERT) how many times have we seen a group of not very smart people trapped in a situation where they slowly get killed off one by one. The only thing about this movie that doesn't totally wreak of lameness is that it keeps to its own invention, and the people are killed by booby-traps and not a masked phsyco. But at least if there was a masked phsyco you might be able to feel sorry for these people, but come on when you stick your hands into a box visibly lined with sharp blades, or crawl into a furnace at the urging of a creepy voice on a tape I can't feel very sorry for you. That is simply Darwin's theory of Natural Selection in action.
So unless you are a die-hard fan of gore for the sake of gore, I DO NOT recommend this movie.
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Donnie Darko

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Alexis says:
If you can watch Fallen without being even slightly creeped out, good for you, because I cannot. Fallen is so powerfully convincing and clever that I have a hard time sleeping after each viewing, so why do I keep watching it? Because it's just that good.
Fallen is the tale of a homicide detective, John Hobbes, who is being pursued by what seems like an immortal villain. It is bonechillingly good. I don't want to spoil the film, but I will say that it is best the first time but very good with subsequent viewings.
Everything about Fallen is great. The twists and turns, the acting, the story, the scenes. Do yourself a favor and watch this one.
Todd Says:
Fallen is one of the greatest suspense movies ever made. The story is excellent, gripping and unsettling at the same time. The cast is superb, Washington and Goodman are totally believable. And the direction is dead on (no pun intended).
I highly recommend Fallen to anyone who hasn't seen it before.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Hocus Pocus
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Todd Says:
Flatliners is ER meets The Sixth Sense. It is a really good supernatural thriller, and a mediocre medical drama. But I know that the medical drama is only a peripheral part of the story so I think that we can let that slide.
Flatliners is about a group of medical school students who decide to kill themselves in a controlled environment and then trust their friends to bring them back to life, all in hopes of discovering what the afterlife is all about. Well, they do and they do. The movie is dark an somewhat unsettling, and the bad guys aren't what you'd expect.
This is a great movie for a Halloween movie marathon, it even has a wild 80's Halloween party as the backdrop for the most dramatic scene of all.
Alexis says:
Flatliners is a gripping story of five medical students who are interested in flatlining to see what is out there after life as an experiment. The stories are well written and interweaved with the exception of Baldwin's camera crazed sex addict.
The movie is dark, the scenes are dark and so are the characters and their stories. The plot is creepy and makes you wonder what is out there, or at least made me wonder. The acting is all a little sub par but the film overall is surprisingly good despite the less than phenomenal performances.
Time and time again this film spooks me out, I would recommend it for you Halloween Movie Marathon, you are having one of those right?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Bram Stoker's Dracula

Todd Says:
3.75 STARS
Following Bram Stoker's original Dracula story, this movie is different then most vampire movies. Dracula is portrayed as a conflicted and suffering soul, very powerful and almost fragile at the same time. At it's essence, the story is really a love story, both sensual and horrible, where Dracula vies for the affection of his soul mate.
I found a few scenes to be a bit over the top, more gore than was really fitting, but all in all the movie is put together really well. Oldman is spectacular as the villain, sometimes frightening and other time pitiable. Everyone else does well too, except for a few of Anthony Hopkins' scenes that seem unnecessarily frantic.
All in all though this is an excellent choice for Halloween night or any other.
Alexis says:
Let me begin with the good. The acting is for the most part pretty good, especially Oldman as Dracula. Both his costumes and his performance were chilling, just the right feel for Dracula to have. The costumes, with the exception of Reeves' dyed hair, were very well done for a time peice.
I have never read Bram Stoker's Dracula but I wonder if all of the unneccessary blood in the film was in the books. There were several scenes where rooms just exploded into blood baths, I am not sure the point of it, but it distracted from the film.
All in all, the film wasn't bad and Dracula is a great choice for Halloween.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Mummy Returns

Friday, October 3, 2008
The Mummy

The action is nearly non-stop, and the dialogue is quick and witty, creating a fast paced thrill ride that will keep your attention focused. This movie is fun to watch, and although I wouldn't really call it Historical, it may help to spark some interest in your kids about the ancient past.
I highly recommend that you and your family watch The Mummy as one of your Halloween Monster Movie Treats this year.
Alexis says:
If you've ever watched a Brendan Fraser movie and asked yourself, why is he in movie if he isn't any good, then you probably have never seen the Mummy, possibly Fraser's best performance to date.
The story is well written, tangling mythology, acheology and suspense into a wonderful action film. Some of the acting is a little sub par (perhaps another reason why Fraser shines) but Fraser and Weisz' performances carry the film well enough that the overall film isn't effected. The action sequences and special effects are done well for this genre of film and are quite entertaining.
The Mummy isn't really scary, not for adults, but it could make the kid in you or at least those watching along with you, jump at times. It is a funny, entertaining film that should be on your list of films to watch with the family.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
An American Werewolf In London

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Little Shop Of Horrors

Alexis says:
This is the best science-fiction, horror movie about an alien plant that feeds only off of human blood, especially that of demented dentists while singing tunes sung by Levi Stubbs from the Four Tops that I have ever seen.
But seriously, this film has made me laugh and smile since I was a kid. The story is cute, yet dark and original and the characters both detestable and sweet. But what makes and has always made this film is the music. The songs are well written and performed and make this musical one of the best I've ever seen.
Todd Says:
It's like I always say: "If you can't mix your Comedy with your Horror with you Musicals with your Herbological Themes then what's the point?" But seriously folks, Little Shop Of Horrors is a genius of a comedy. Dark, emotional, sensual, educational, mystical, oral hygienical, cosmic, and even uplifting at times.
As a real testament to the bizarreness of this movie, I think that as a comedy without the musical aspect this movie would have been terrible. The songs are great. Really. This was a Broadway musical after all. But, the movie is funny. Really. The cast does a great job with both the singing and the acting.
As far as re-makes of Broadway plays that were inspired by older low-budget movies go, I think that this is a film for the whole family. So when you get done trick-or-treating, gather up the youngsters with their fresh sugar-buzzes, and crowd around the television for this Horrific Gem.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Defending Your Life

Alexis says:
Albert Brooks wrote, directed and starred in this romantic comedy about the afterlife where you have to defend your life while eating all you want to. It was a cute and clever comedy, I can't really say anything all that negative about it except that I just wasn't really impressed. The film was creative and clever in the made to make you feel at home afterlife but the story was a little to predictable and formulaic for my taste.
This film is cute enough to sit through, just don't go in with too high of expectations. If you want a funny take on the afterlife with a little bit of a love story mixed in, this film isn't all that bad.
Todd Says:
I found this movie to be a bit on the dull side. It was, I think, supposed to be a 'feel-good' movie, but the only thing to feel good about is that you can eat as much as you want after you die. Who knew that the afterlife would be one big all-you-can-eat buffet?
Anyway, the main character is on trail in the afterlife for living with too much fear. Disappointingly, those in charge don't seem to care that the guys life was shallow and dedicated to making money. I also found it a bit of a stretch the way the guy reaches his personal salvation.
Basically, this movie is interesting only in that it is a new spin on afterlife mythology, but as far as presentation goes it was a little blah. You may or may not like this film, but the chances are just as good that you may be offended by the whole premise.
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Alexis says:
This film came from Target packaged with Raging Bull. Rocky, in my opinion is a far better boxing/sports film even if it isn't based on a real boxers life story.
Rocky is an inspiring tale of an underdog getting a chance at the big time. I usually loathe Stallone movies but Rocky is so good in both it's writing (Stallone) and the acting that I really have to give this film credit for really exceeding my expectations.
One thing I really enjoyed about this film was the love story that evolves between Rocky and Adrian (Talia Shire). The film felt very real and the love story was no exception to this.
In all, Rocky is a good sports film that has really held up over the years.
Todd Says:
Rocky is a classic for a reason. It is an intense story about a guy who is basically a loser, but gets a chance to prove that he has heart. It's also a nice story about two misfits that find each other.
I would recommend Rocky to anyone, wether you are looking for a good action, drama, or even a feel good movie. Rocky covers all the bases.
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Alexis says:
Rushmore is a charming tale written and directed by Wes Anderson who can be either hit or miss in my opinion. I found Rushmore to be on the hit side.
Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman) is a 10th grader at Rushmore, an elite academy where he is the founder of most things and the head of everything else in the extracurricular department, where he falls in love with a teacher and life slowly begins to crumble under him in a funny, touching manner. Schwartcman is maybe the best I have ever seen him, he doesn't get on my nerves like he usually does and he pulls off the 10th grade genius wonderfully.
Rushmore is a good comedy, but it is also slightly dramatic, when Cat Stevens 'The Wind' started I thought I might even shed a tear. It is definitely worth your time.
Todd Says:
Rushmore is one of those off-beat quirky little comedies that isn't going to be for everybody's tastes. Sometimes the jokes are almost to subtle to catch, but when they do they work well.
I enjoyed watching as the 10th grade mastermind's entire world unravels as he fights for the love of an older woman. The comedy of this film is based on people's ability to be completely oblivious when it suits them. Which, unfortunately, is a fairly accurate representation of modern society.
Anyway, Rushmore is worth watching. You should find plenty about this movie funny.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Harlem Nights

A gangster spoof that doesn't forget that a spoof is still a movie and therefore requires a plot. Eddie Murphy writes and directs this movie about a nightclub owner in Harlem who is being muscled out by the big Italian Mob. Equal parts comedy/action/crime drama, Harlem Nights is one of those over the top kind of movies that works.
The story and acting are great, which in itself sets this apart from most comedies. Eddie Murphy, as Eddie Murphy basically with his signature laugh/snort, stars as the nightclub owners son and psuedo-thug Quick. Honestly, this was just an alright performance by Murphy and by far the worst in the film. If Eddie had done half as good acting as he did writing and directing, this would have been a much better movie.
All in all though, this is a good fun comedy that is worth seeing.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Raging Bull

Todd Says:
Raging Bull may just be one of those movies that you either love or hate, without much possibility of middle ground. I'm not one of those diehard Scorsese fans who love everything he does. On the contrary, I think that his movies are overly similiar in both style and context. Raging Bull proved to be no exception for me.
This movie being very early on in both De Niro's and Pesci's careers, I still see the same old tough-guy gangster performance from both of them in almost every scene. The story is about an emotionally unstable boxer whose life slowly unravels due to his temper and paranoia. I found it hard to feel any real sympathy for the guy, as Scorsese doesn't really round him out very well.
If you like sports movies, this really isn't one. The fights are so abridged to make room for the out of the ring violence that you never really find yourself caring about the boxer's career. If you are a true Scorsese or De Niro fan than this is probably worth a watch for you, but mostly, I'm just tired of the same old same old from these guys.
Alexis says:
Often movies come out that are 'based' on real events or real people and sometimes even based on personal memoirs, such as Raging Bull, which was based on boxer Jake LaMotto's book. However, the screen play was rewritten and rewritten and eventually (and supposedly) the final draft was written by De Niro and Scorsese. So when I say that I don't like this film I believe I am being more critical of the director and the direction he took this story in than I am being critical of LaMotta's life.
I didn't care for the jagged filming with short fight scenes, this is a movie about a boxer right? I am not surprised that this movie got mixed reviews, but am surprised at it's now cult-like status. De Niro and Pesci aren't bad, but they aren't great either. It's impressive that De Niro got in such great shape to play the younger LaMotta and then gained sixty pounds to play the older LaMotto, but that isn't enough to make this a 5 star performance in my opinion.
I just wanted it to be over, I kept hoping for a point and checking the time. I couldn't feel sorry for LaMotta and his bad choices and selfish behavior and I didn't really care for the scene sequencing or the lack of fighting in a supposed boxing movie. I am still having a hard time seeing what all the fuss is about and wondering if I just don't get Scorsese.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Illusionist

3.75 STARS
This, unfortunately, is one of those movies that you can't watch too often. It is a true mystery, and once you've seen it the first time you find yourself picking up the clues too easily on the second viewing. However, the first time you watch it the mystery falls together seemlessly, and even on a second viewing I could not find any major holes in the story.
Alexis says:
This film came out about the same time as The Prestige, which we saw first. Seeing this one second after thoroughly unenjoying The Prestige, I really enjoyed it. The story came together well and I rather enjoyed the somewhat surprise that came after all was revealed. All of the acting was rather good, I am becoming a Giamati fan with every movie he makes.
This is a good film worth your viewing. However, I must add that the film did lose a bit of it's luster after the first viewing.