Monday, May 5, 2008

Shrek the Third (2007)

Todd Says:


Again, I find myself grading on a curve. For what this movie is and what I expected from it, it is actually pretty good. Would I tell you to drop what you're doing and go and see it, no. If you're that kind of person, you've already seen this (and probably every Will Ferrel movie ever).

If you've got kids, watch it with them. If you think that Mike Myers is golden, watch it. I actually think that Donkey (Eddie Murphy) and Puss (Antonio Banderas) make the movie as funny as it is. There are plenty of good jokes in this one, I just don't think that Shrek (Mike Myers) is all that funny.

Yes, this movie does feel like yet another installment in a slowly deteriorating franchise, but it's still watchable. So, that's what I think.

Alexis says:


I have enjoyed the two previous Shrek movies and the characters and plot were none to disappointing this go around, though I think a trilogy is enough for the Shrek empire. My only hesitation with this movie is that I think I enjoyed it more than most young children would. I felt that some of the jokes and plot were a little mature in theme but then again there was plenty of 'bathroom humor' so maybe in retrospect this is just trying to be a family pleaser with a little something for everyone. From that perspective, Shrek the Third hits their target and there is a little something for everyone, ages 2-102. So sit down with the kids or Grandma or the family dog and enjoy.

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