Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Music And Lyrics

Todd Says:

3.5 Stars

Go ahead and call me a sap, but for a romantic comedy I thought it was really good. I felt that the chemistry between Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore seemed genuine. The premise is that Grant, as an '80's has-been rock star (think the other guy from Wham) who is living off of his has-been status gets a chance to break back into the music industry. The problem is he can't write lyrics, only music, so he happens upon Barrymore and what do you know they make a good team.

Is it predictable? Yes, but that's to be expected. The jokes are funny. The cast does a great job. And you should finish this one feeling pretty good about the characters. This movie is worth seeing, and if romantic comedies are your thing then don't miss it.

Alexis Says:


I enjoy music, (especially music from the 1980's), I enjoy Hugh Grant, and I enjoy clever romantic comedies, so this one was a hit for me. Not the best romantic comedy ever, a little predictable and a little corny at times. But I love the humor and the poking of fun at Wham and Shakira's expense and I thought that it had a good bit of originality to it in an overworked movie genre.

I tend to see and like much of what Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore do, though they might not be Kate Blanchett and George Clooney they tend to do romanitc comedies well and as usual they were funny and sweet in this film.


James said...

What I really want to know is how do you both find enough time to watch so many movies???

The Running Couple said...

We are very fortunate, Bailey and Cooper go to bed at 8 pm and sleep most of the night so we can watch a movie from about 8-10 or so and still be asleep by 11. We LOVE movies so we make time.