Alexis says:
This was our second viewing of I am Legend. We saw it opening night when I was 36 weeks pregnant with twins because I wanted to see it that bad. We saw it in a theatre where we viewed the 'theatrical release', I enjoyed it. We have since purchased the movie and recently watched the film again, however, this time around we watched the alternate ending.
I think that Will Smith is excellent in most recent movies I have seen, he is after all, Mr. July (I, Robot, Independence Day, Men In Black) and becoming Mr. December (The Pursuit of Happyness, I am Legend). I thought I am Legend was another great performance by Smith and I think he continues to grow as an amazing actor. To carry a movie this size mostly on your own is a feat for which any actor able to pull that off should pat themselves on the back, so go ahead Will, we'll wait.
Now this being my second viewing I knew mostly what to expect (and could quickly pick out the 'alternate scenes'). Smith's Robert Neville is the single uninfected survivor left in New York after a cure for cancer has gone terribly wrong leaving most people dead, a lot of people infected (referred to as 'Dark Seekers') leaving them as more monster than human, and very few people left uninfected. The movie has several flashbacks in the form of Neville's dreams in which we learn what has happened to the world and his family. He lives alone in New York with his daughter's German Shepherd, Samantha. The relationship between man and dog is touching and well depicted. Smith's Neville has been alone, with only the Dark Seekers and his pet, for almost 3 years when the movie begins.
I found the alternate ending to be so different from the theatrical release that at first taste I was unhappy, because I had become used to the ending I saw in the theatre. Thinking back to when I originally saw the movie however, I recalled how unpleased I was with the theatrical ending. To avoid spoilers, I will just say that after a few days of mulling the alternate ending over in my head I think this new ending seems to fit the movie better, there are foreshadowing scenes that were in the original release that flow better with the alternate ending. Either way, the film is pretty good, but I think the alternate ending may actually be my preferred choice.
This film is pretty good and I would give it more stars, except, the CGI Dark Seekers and animals in the movie are down right pitiful. I can't get over how bad they are done. I don't understand why they didn't just make the 'Dark Seekers' a little more human in nature so as to just use actors in the film. The CGI is so bad and they could have saved a lot of money.
So if they ever decide to remake this film again (and that wouldn't surprise me as this is the third attempt since the book was written in 1954) they should put a little more effort into the CGI or just do without.
On the flip side, I thought the deserted footage of New York was pretty awesome.
Overall, I would recommend you view the alternate ending of I Am Legend.
Todd Says:4 STARS
I don't have a ton to add to that review, but I will say that I too thought that the theatrical and alternate endings were so radically different that it took a few days to digest it. You know how it is when you get used to something one way and then all of the sudden it is something completely different. Like, say you've been married to a woman for years and you love and appreciate her just the way she is, but then one night you find out that she is really an alien masquerading as a human being. Well, that would take a few days to get used to. The same thing happened to me with this new ending. But now, I think I like it better.
And another thing, I don't think that the CGI work is as bad as Alexis does. Yes, the animals could have been more real, they could have been completely real, but it doesn't ruin the movie for me. If anything, having seen Omega Man, and enjoying it, I think that the Infected in I Am Legend are a little too super-human. Especially if the director expects us to accept that they are still a little bit human. I'm just saying.
I do recommend this movie. To everyone, but especially to those who like Sci-Fi. For an interesting weekend, get the DVD and watch it both ways on back to back nights.