Friday, April 18, 2008


Alexis Says:


I found this movie funny, touching, moving, sad, and uplifting at different times. I found myself not really liking Juno or Vanessa much at first but the character development was finely written and in the end I really felt for both of them. I found myself relating to Vanessa's character even though are situations were different I felt we could be kindred spirits. And I found myself really liking Juno's parents even though I don't know why anyone would name a child Liberty Bell.

I thought this film addressed teen pregnancy in a new way that was clever and funny, yet real and thought provoking (babies have fingernails!) To say that Juno's just a teen who made a mistake, Vanessa is just a woman who wants a baby, Paulie's just a boy in love with a girl who doesn't seem to know it and Marc's just a selfish man would be simplifying the movie, so go and see this one. And if you don't cry or feel like you could cry if you could make tears, there just might be something wrong with you.

Todd Says:


I enjoyed this quirky little movie a lot, but I can't help thinking that it was a lot like Napoleon Dynamite, if Napoleon Dynamite was a sassy pregnant teenage girl. Part of the problem for me was all the hype. I don't often see movies on opening night, and if the critical praise gets too great I tend to expect perfection.

Although perfection may not have been acheived, Juno still offers a clear put funny look at teen pregnancy. The cast of characters is awesomely funny, Juno's dad being my favorite person in the movie. Some people are just born for heating and air. I highly recomend you see Juno if you like smart comedies.

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