Saturday, March 29, 2008


Todd says:


Once was a good movie, but I don’t feel that it lived up to the hype. The music was excellent, and the story was good but it felt more like a ramshackle documentary about street performers in Dublin. I loved the ending, but I just liked the rest of the movie. Not bad, but not great.

Alexis says:


I also thought that the music was excellent. I like that it didn’t fit some sappy Hollywood formula and that the main characters didn’t end up together though the synopsis on the back of the box suggested otherwise. I felt that the movie portrayed believable characters, though it was kind of evident that the actors were more musicians than actors. Overall, the story was interesting and the music captivating and had it not been for the mass critical acclaim it received I might be able to award it more stars.

If you are looking for a good music documentary we recommend you check out Tell Me Do You Miss Me, be careful though, it may break your heart.

-Ward & June

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