Alexis says:
3.75 STARS
I am not a fan of blood and gore, so most horror movies aren't on my must list. Saw was one of those films for the longest time, a friend even bought me the DVD for Christmas, three years ago, and I wouldn't watch it. Finally, for Halloween here on Cinemaphiles I agreed to view it. And you know what? It wasn't half bad.
Unlike most horror movies I have seen and disliked this film had an interesting story, gripping and terrifying but there was a good crime story with twists and turns. There was some blood and gore but it wasn't over the top, it was just enough to scare you to pieces.
I am not sure that I will ever be able to say that I loved a horror movie, it's just not in me I suppose, but this film broke the barrier to one I could say I really liked. I am sure I am the last person to see this film, what with the fifth one coming out this month, but I would definitely recommend it if you haven't seen it.
Todd Says:
Saw, I assume, was supposed to be something new. It was however much of the same, just repackaged for a new generation, as is evidenced by the upcoming release of SAW V just before Halloween. It fits right in there with the Classic Horror Franchises of the 1980's like Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween. With those three titles we got almost 30 movies, some of which were no doubt delivered to us on Halloween Day.
Now I'm not saying that Saw was all that bad of a movie, it just wasn't all that great. The acting, especially by the known actors (Cary Elwes, Danny Glover) was mediocre, bordering on bad. The story was interesting, but not as original as the masses like to think. I don't know if the darkened scenes contributed, but I felt like I was watching a low budget version of Se7en sometimes.
But, for a horror movie it wasn't half bad. If I just had to rate this movie against fiends from it's home genre I could probably bring myself to give it 4 STARS, I can't, however, do that in good conscience, it wouldn't be fair to films like Se7en. So, if you like gore this would be a good movie, and I recommend watching with all the lights in the house turned off.